[[Transcripts are generated automatically by WIPO Speech-to-Text]] Bonded, ex-twenty-six. Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Representative In Time, Young and participants, I am a welcome to this meeting on young people and human rights, the meeting was organized under Resolution 41/13 of the Human Rights Council on Youth and Human Rights, And Decision 45/113 on the postponement of the implementation of certain activities mandated by the Human Rights Council? Due to the COVID -19 pandemic, it is also possible to follow this meeting, on the scenes taken at a 9.35 per cent level, In this regard, I would like to welcome Ms. Michelle Bachelet, High Commissioner of nations Eugenius Human Rights, which will pronounce its opening statement by video. You have the floor. Thank you, Mr. Chair. Mr. Chairman of the Republic, I would like to thank the High Commissioner for his statement, and I now invite the life of the Secretary-General for Youth, Madam Joyet, mabig, rahanayaké, for his opening statement, have the floor. Speak. What is the time? Ie,? How?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The challenge of protecting the challenges faced by young people today is multiple and the coffees pandemic has exacerbated a large number of human rights insecurity and ex - And their speakers today, who will inform us on these issues, based on their own reality and experience, I would like to take this opportunity to make the three recommendations so as to ensure that the rights of young people Can be placed at the heart of our action to build a better future, Building better at the end of the pandemic, I first invite human rights mechanisms to consider addressing two key issues when discussing the declaration How to better integrate young people into their work, first of all, how to integrate the rights of young people into their existing work in order to deal with The problem of human rights, particularly the youth, in terms of their mandate, and second, how to ensure the continued participation of diverse groups of young people? The audio signal is interrupted, the interpreter does not have a blood, cannot count. It lives. Ah! International Bureau of the International Bureau of the Opening of the Session of the International Labour Conference under Article 26 of the ILO Constitution) Madam Chair, let me now give the floor to Ambassador Juan Maltsa Malta. Delegate, Permanent Representative of El-Salvador to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva, Ambassador, you have the floor. , Madam High Representative, Madam High Representative, Madam High Representative for Human Rights, Madam Republic of the Secretary-General for Youth, Ladies and Gentlemen, Speakers and Young Participants. Mr. Chair, dear colleagues, Ambassadors and Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of El Salvador, I would like to convey to you a very cordial welcome to this Seminar on Youth and Human Rights, The activity within the mandated mandate, according to Resolution 41/13 adopted by the Human Rights Council in 2019, as everyone knows, The COVID -19 pandemic is affected by all activities which, throughout 2020, should be carried out in accordance with the mandates under the various resolutions of the Council And human rights, the Commission has undertaken a series of efforts in collaboration with the leading authors, The Resolution on Youth of Human Rights, we have now arrived at this date when we can organize this inter-sectoral seminar on young people and human rights, Addressing the broad challenges of discrimination faced by youth in the realization of all these rights, in the context of the COVID -19 pandemic. These issues should remain a priority for all States in the context of the Human Rights Council, there is an urgent need to address the challenges that lie ahead Present to Youth on Human Rights, they should not be delayed on the contrary, they must ensure their integration across the UN system of human rights > >. India, that is The objective is therefore to deepen the dialogue with youth and youth organizations in order to enable them to provide in a spirit They are productive and inclusive and important contributions to the process that develop, at the multilateral level and at the level of national policies, programs and initiatives. In this regard, we consider it important to point out that the resolution of the Council provides an essential element of the need to promote broad consultations with young people, In the Face of the various decision-making processes, especially all the processes related to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, we believe The United Nations system will need to conduct an objective and up-to-date analysis of all strategies and initiatives They centered on vulnerable population groups, in this case on young people and on the realization of their human rights, we believe it is important to highlight Decent work, education and access to quality health, particularly mental health defined by the World Health Organization as a Center State And physically, because and not only the absence of ailments requires a civic space, inclusive and transparent, We have contributions from youth centered youth organizations in order to promote the realization of their rights in a safe environment so that these Helping you to support the work of the Special Envoy on Young People, Al Salvador, welcomes this commitment And intends to continue to promote the issues of youth and human rights in the context of the UN as a last resort, we would like to express our thanks to the Youth Team It is child and human rights within the framework of the Office of the High Commissioner for its efforts to organize this cross-cutting seminar, as well as thank the group of the main co-author committed in We wish all participants a fruitful session, thank you very much. Now we are going to start our first podium on the challenges and discrimination faced by young people due to their age, I welcome our speakers Thus, Narima wo-ji-huwa, SIA Director, Noya Aurigine and Chief Economist, The organization of the International Labour Organization, Papua New Guinea, Coordinator of the People of the Wound Advocacy People, Tagna Rosace, Founder of the Foundation She feared and leader, young for the SDGs, managed here at the IFA Chair of the Youth Council and the National Director of the Youth Council I ask our speakers to limit their interventions to six minutes in order to allow for the participation of all, despite the limitations From time to time, we invite you to inform us of the main challenges and discrimination faced by young people today in human rights, I I give the floor to our colleague from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, who will share the screen with a very timid image to participate, do not leave such a loophole. You will open a new English in your search engine or to use a star-fauna, and will you have doubled in wheat, from a very small point, as Per cent of the code you see on the top of the screen: 8.6, 600. And send your contributions, this page will remain open for a few minutes, At the latest, during this session, we would like to see the cloud of words generated by your contributions from now for pleasure. To give the spokesperson to nairi Mawako, Chihua, Naima, Head, Sia Wound, Youth Organization to enable young people in Kenya to engage in political life Could you tell us, please refer to, What challenges and discrimination faced by young people, in terms of engagement and civic participation in public life, based on your experience, you have the floor this A video message, thank you. Outside the country and there is, unless you have invited me, I am very happy to trap: < < beiton makweskeng head, karim jastat, in response to our question and many Challenges faced by young people in civic engagement and participation in public life. First, it must be understood that participation is a fundamental right, everyone should have access to that participation. But it is not always the case, if the use of things at the level. I am based on Kenya's experience. Yes, it is a simple theory, it seems that we have some technical problems, what we can take over? The registration of the Tea is ma if you plague you, and there has been (< < biston makwest > >? If???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Those countries with a special impact? If??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The interviewee agreed with the PHCG, < < Balkan necessary, and nelson > >: < < < < poctides > > < < overall > > < < children > <. That is At the end of Egypt. That is the same.???????????????????????????? If??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Egypt, I would like to say that I tell me: < < Tos, Nankesi, swhiawad > > < < and employment and May. Its vote, the acts of gluepak, bispej, singapore, touarab and grazing and field artwork. And ACT/EMP, when participating in < < pibwadj > > < < < < the < < the need-worg > > < < daech of bread and kloyd > > At the end of cushrooms of aiquiebot, emmides, reaches sets, are for purposes and acts of hearing, halle. Not far from the misted point, but cautiously Cautions in a bulb, tint an RAC. Idlib, Germany and the Inonville of Fire, I thank, I thank, I now give the floor to Nayo Reegins and Chief Economist of the Organization International Labour Organization in the framework of the Economic Analysis and Professions Unit at the Salary University, previously sought through the ILO Youth Employment Program. And it is one of the leading authors of global trends in the employment of young people, ILO Annual Beer Cubes, and will discuss challenges related to the employment of young people and what is called < < gug and economic > >. You I give the floor to Ms. Hello, Hello or Good Afternoon, for Those that are in another time zone, Yes, I was working within the work unit completed at work, I am talking about a little about the COVID -19 pandemic And temporary work. For young people, I request the following image, if you like I am talking about the market for the employment of young people and the economy of the world Temporary work that presents a number of challenges for young people. As a result, the COVID -19 pandemic has had an immense effect, if any. Growth since 2005, it is seen that on the left there is a decrease in the economic and financial crisis of 2008, 2009, And right, it can be seen that the facts of the current pandemic are much larger and, therefore, it is not only And high-income countries, but also countries with low average income, the pandemic is felt to be Differently, young people are still affected by an economic downturn, but in this case it has been proud of income in high-income countries, the drop in youth employment, Was five times higher than the decrease in employment in adults, and this was true, especially for young women, the drop was more important For Things Associated with Middle and Low Income Countries, and it is related not only to the economy itself, but to the differences that have arisen in the tax measures applied for Focusing on the effects of the crisis, therefore the basic idea and young people were particularly affected by the crisis, This is the case in general and, in addition to the economic effects, there are disturbances at the level of education, training at risk As a result of closure measures, young people are a group of people who are currently important in job seekers and restrictions All through the creation of new posts, due to the pandemic, the fact that this group has been particularly affected, it is about whether income losses for young people, because young people tend to se Refocusing the hardest economic sectors affected by the pandemic, but are also concentrated in more precarious jobs, and have advanced employment or income support measures that have been applied in countries High-income, where there has been relatively broad support measures, young people have not benefited greatly from these measures. There is also a significant effect of the pandemic on demand-driven, and therefore the pandemic, the comedy, is essentially to strengthen an existing trend. With regard to the shift from work to room and demand rather than more stable work that had been done previously, and it was true, particularly, Mr. Chair, young people, in a sense. Are particularly suitable for work on demand at work on a platform and are some of the benefits of escalating, unlike other forms of work, young people can earn wages on Compared to older workers, and there is a relatively better level of satisfaction, and this is due to the fact that young people after much faster, The work on the task and thus their income increases faster through working experience; that is, the Demand for work on a more specific platform for young people in low-income countries, but there are some difficulties, even if young people are relatively well paid in these forms of employment, The demand is generally rather poorly paid as opposed to other forms of employment, there is also a problem of access to appeal where something It is difficult, for example, when you do not want to pay, it is difficult to obtain an appeal. To address its problems and there is little access to social protection and also limited access to health and safety of work, this type of employment often takes the form, Independent and autonomous work without protection in the case of work at If it is difficult to validate experience and more generally, such forms, Work is generally offered to more qualified persons, and this is therefore an engine of inequities in the labour market, while In order to summarize things in the face of the current crisis, there is a great need to have a major investment to create jobs, For young people, investment is really needed to create employment opportunities for young people. But there is also a problem with respect to the rights of young people, As part of working not only the right to work, there is a need to focus on the most vulnerable people, who are not able to take advantage of For these more skilled employment opportunities, it is necessary to protect the entry of young people into the employment market and to increase its protections IN THE CONTEXT OF THE WORK, at the request, and also other forms of employment, because young people are not in a position to gain access to income measures and support, as long as other workers take into account the types of jobs and it is therefore necessary Is it possible to define how these jobs are better defined, is that such workers are regarded as independent workers or not? There is also a need for greater use of technology, not only to create jobs, but to protect young people, to reach children. So as to promote stability and insecurity in the labor markets. Thank you. I now give the floor to Papua, Paper, which is a cross-sex activist who was working as a body of advocacy for all And with respect to the actual interests of youth, and also in favor of sexual and reproductive rights and health, you have the floor, paper. Engy Men, Hath! Thank You very much, hello to all and to all, so I am SOPESTANUS, I am actually switching to what I said, For sexual health, and we defend health through the right to health and reproductive rights. The representation is focused on sexual and sexual harassment and barriers to access to such rights. So that young people can realize their right, there is a need for growth in access to education, information, access to the service and an enabling environment, brilliant of a few elements, Issues that first arise between two million and a half million unsafe amendments will take place in developing countries for girls in 1919, young women account for nearly 50% of annual deaths, Because of these dangerous, remenotiers due to HIV-AIDS infections, 70 per cent, Mali, sexually transmitted, and most between 15 and 24 years, the various services barriers Health services, negative activities and stigmatisation of workers, health prevent access and people from fear of confidentiality I do not also have to be judged, There are also discrimination against the GBT, discriminatory laws also and are a problem for young people, for example, do not have access to services Requiring parental consent 3 and background > >. There are cultural norms that prevent these young people from gaining access to the right For access to health services, for example, the pandemic has been a very difficult period for access to its service This is an exceptional objective, many young people have had to leave their home because they do not know their identity, sexual orientation or do not know that they are sexually active. There is a problem that I am referring to by you, that is safety and abortion. Protestations in Poland and the High Favor of Abortion and Legalization in Argentina make abortion on the front Of the past year, 2019, had a significant impact on access to Peace and safe abortion for young people, the resolution on mobility, mortality has been referred to several times, yet this is a question Critical, in many countries of the world, to the sexual insecurity of young people so that they often lead to discrimination and right-holders, colonization, The organization of abortion does not lead to fewer abortions, but on more abortions, rape, fundamental rights of life to freedom, security, health and freedom from attack It is a matter that is repeated by different treaty bodies such as signals and special rapporteurs of human rights, including the Special Rapporteur on Health. Various anti-abortions laws and standards are applied in a discriminatory manner especially for rural women and girls, and those with a lack of education So as to be sued, sued or imprisoned, all efforts, abortions, retirees, Honesty the needs of stakeholders in all passionate diversity for sexual states, create high-level and high-level changes The agreement of the apartment requires young people to participate in decision-making at all political levels, the effective participation of young people and an important element in ensuring that the reproductive and sexual rights of young people are respected. If social activities and laws do not change that is not because young people need not speak, but because policymakers do not listen to or listen to them sometimes. We want to participate in the decision-making table so that nothing is decided on, which we retain without our participation. I need the pleasure to present Italian to Rosas tania, 29 years, Elvia, In April, and established the Fund for Learning Originating And to launch the relabe, an online application for inclusive customized learning for indigenous children and youth at risk is also If it is also military for young people, which deals with the SDGs, it is going to talk about the barriers that young people face in achieving their right to education, including indigenous youth, this is a just intervention They??? If???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? As we meet in our communities, that people meet, he called for 380 000 indigenous students in Colombia, with only 29 per cent of the high school and Five per cent by terminating the University, 70 per cent of women, this deviation from language barriers and a lack of connectivity, And accessibility to education, a reality that is often forgotten, especially with regard to women during the pandemic, more than 11 million girls around the world, Not to return to the school after the COVID -19 Crisis, having grown up in the total indigenous people of Colombia, and so I am aware that the opportunities for action Access to Learning addressed my allied, it is the best weapon to combat poverty and achieve sustainable development in our communities in the past year. Over 100,000 students have abandoned the studies in my country in the pandemic when a girl leaves school in my community, and this affects everyone: it is like violence This kind, strong forced marriage, pregnancy, early consensus, I believe that for Young people can realize their right to education, it is necessary for education to be available and designed for everyone and not for a preferred majority. Education, if it is, for the elites, only to maintain repressive systems. We need targeted solutions and we have tried to introduce an offline application for young people living in remote areas. We are targeting the app for our communities, with one in the mother tongue of children, to encourage literacy and inclusiveness. This enables us to achieve concrete results and students to work more, in partnership with local governments, NGOs, universities, schools, the world We hope to be able to provide access to quality education, to young people in our region, and to enable children in our regions. What is the world in the south, self-sustaining and we hope to push the path to our struggle and to prevent elites In power, I believe that together we can give inclusive education and empowerment. Thank you. That is, I now have the pleasure to give the floor to repair, if at the Fia I, nothing has started his PhD in respect of 2019. She received a fellowship for students from the Pacific Basin Cities in Tago, she is also President of the Pacific Youth Council, which encourages and advocates for interest And young people in the Pacific region, such as you have the floor. The pleasure of the Pacific to you all, I am pleased to be one of the speakers and title And pleased to be able to join the Youth and Human Rights Seminar, young people need to face many challenges in the Pacific and, everywhere, can be found Climate change and pandemic; it was a cross-cutting element, as Chair of the Youth Council, which I participated in different fora to defend our situation And explain the problem that is very diverse, this role has enabled me to expand, but because of my experience with the challenges that only young people face, I am doing this to highlight a question that plays a very important role on the whole of the issues. Especially with regard to barriers to access to the rights of young people, it is the structural minimization of young people and the marginalization of young people's voice. This may be the two underlying elements that contribute to smaller states and to the minimum effect of religious frameworks and programs in the Pacific region, This goes hand in hand with the compatriot The lack of youth participation, which is a significant backdrop to the development of young people in the Pacific, means that a more coherent strategy is required They go beyond the youth problem, but I give you a unit of the organization of our communities in the Pacific, it is very important to understand the challenges And as against young people, in the Pacific, in the Pacific, we find very traditional, patriarchal and hierarchies societies, Unfortunately, we have two channels that overlap, eugene Joins young people, children are at a stage And at the bottom of the hierarchy, this does not mean that it is not important, but it is in a position of inferiority, and not speak for damages. The institution and in the village meetings there are many programs to address the socio-economic disparities of young people, especially in the field of health, employment and education, But the participation of young people is a big gap and it is necessary for young people to be able to participate in it is not taken into account, the Pacific, its leadership, Mille at different levels, some leaders in Fiji And initially found that cultural hierarchy is an obstacle, the main obstacle That the role of youth youth is not taken into account in the communities, because cultural practices do not attribute any importance to the contribution of young people to decisions in part Studied at the height of this hierarchy, and a national amateur, Marlánaming of Bizh, Maenstee, which has the means to The overlap between several interventions over the last ten years, the issue has been addressed and on many occasions by peaceful means, Participation in participation has become a duchy for youth, the Search, presentation of forums, research studies on the scene of the Plurinational State of Day and the International of India. In paragraph (a), that is, that is the same... There are only projects that concern young people, Therefore, the voice of young people than in the pragmatic goals of development agencies, and of course this kind of participation in the last young people of this As a part, the general trend, the trend of States is limited to an invitation to participate as active citizens in the community, but they are not taken into account in the As well as that of communities, in the participation of young people in programs and, but it cannot put into question the situation in place Unity against Social Injustices, m????????????????????????? If???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Vif, but it prevents them from becoming delimited by failing to invest in the role of strengthening the roles of young people as a participant in societies, discrimination on the ground that emanate from them. The structural marginalization of young people is due to the negligence of governments and development agencies vis-à-vis the values, motivations, perceptions, And rights merely to key partners, namely young people, if one looks at the issue of Thematic Change, Living, first, in our community of principles of the Pacific, there are a number of problems that are occurring everywhere, COVID -19, especially the youth. But young people and youth organizations played a fundamental role for one and a half years, and it should not be forgotten, structural globalization, due to the lack of understanding, By the rights of young people in all human rights, much thought needed to be given to how Deploying the right of young people due, inter alia, to the dynamics of the structure of local communities, it is not just to combat climate change, COVID -19, without their impact, In particular, young people are involved in the processes and decisions that concern them, and the rights of young people need to be Roma. In order to have a right to the participation to be heard, particularly in the questions that concern them, the regional objectives are simply to combat the list Order and Social School, but the way we perceive the rights of young people, it is simply the role of recipient recipient, within their community, rather than actors And agencies can do much to involve young people. The inclusion of young people from a right approach with greater participation of young people in the region of people in the Pacific region, The rights do not have a reality, if there is no action and for that, there is a need for recognition of the right to participate, so the rights are to be deployed Actually applied within the communities, I am proud to see that more and more young people in the region are not confined to being passive and to one To respond to socio-economic circumstances, but to deal with the problems as members of the community, many young people, with the help of their State In the areas of climate change, gender equality and development, governments and development agencies, are aware that young people Mobilizes, but the countries and territories of the region have not succeeded in finding this and to channel these efforts already much in this direction. I conclude by saying that progress towards the SDGs in the region requires greater participation by young people, it is necessary to do so Which does not have the potential to discern their full potential, from an approach to human rights and human rights, human rights and human rights, thank you very much for joining. Finally, I have the pleasure to present Kippez ory, which is a sphanion, and one The alternative for providing care vis-à-vis young people who live with support after themselves. He is the National Director of the Zimbabwe Health Network. Administration and the International Labour Conference)) Say-you raf to fleurir? As you have the floor, one, the guidets thesnot, a parliament which is not on-line is not on-line. So it will be necessary to continue its intervention unfortunately, dear colleagues, I understand that there have been a number of technical problems, In this regard, at the time of the Commissioner's intervention, know that the interventions will be posted on the website of that meeting. We will now hear the maintenance presentations, Mr. High Commissioner, who will present this discussion Global supply chains, and global supply chains. For the contributions that we have heard this morning, we have found that there are many to think about many of the points most importantly of participation Guinea, There are other work, civil and political rights, connectivity, digital access, employment market, civic ratification, political affairs, discrimination for envages, thank you. So as to have participated in the same small physician, therefore a statistical questionnaire, ladies and gentlemen, dear representatives, will now proceed And to hear the speakers on the list, we will post the list of speakers on the screen, know that the list is already full, representatives who will not be able to take the floor Due to time constraints, are invited to send us their intervention by cordial, at the following address, yuf, back to UNHCR, point And that, before April 16 to interventions, If it cannot be read, will be posted on the website, I would like to point out that the interventions are limited to two minutes, those on the list of speakers, Please remove your virtual hand and, in giving you the floor, I would now like to give the floor to the rich representatives. Madam Chair, Madam Chair, this intervention was prepared with our One delegate from the Un youth who is also present at the present meeting, we would now like to have three areas that are relevant to us in the realization of rights, first to participate in the participation Equal Action in Political and Political Affairs to Facilitate the Participation of Young People as a Key Element for Inclusive Society and Good Governance, Young people and young people, especially those in conflict, and with man, require the state Paying particular attention to a system of justice, the State requires a system of juvenile justice to ensure that justice is without prejudice Target age and meet the needs of young people, in Austria, the mining system is up to eighteen years, but there are provisions on young adults from 18 to 21 years also. Recognizing the particularities of the transition between children and adulthood, these specific standards address the seriousness of the sanctions of the length of the term. And alternative measures for preventive detention, in particular for the criminal age of young people, the agreement, the aim is to be rather preventive, Unitif and allow young people to better reintegrate into society, second, the conscientious objection concerns young people more than any other age group, in a mandatory service, Compulsory military service for young armed men there are provisions in law and practice to provide alternatives to military services for those who wish to make use of their rights to the adoption of More than 35 per cent of young people benefit and work in social or medical organizations or institutions instead of making their military services. I thank you, I give the floor to India, it is a registered message, it also has a record by Ambassador Ndash Garnus de Buzet, The Indian Government is aware of the fact that young people represent an important part of the population and aims to help them realize their potential, the power of young people and inclusive development are at the heart of our The serious concerns that equality between men and women increase access to social media, ensure public health. Focusing on health, progression, nutrition, and other aspects, the channels policy in 2014, provides a Russian vision for young people, And identifies eleven priority areas that are relevant, the National Education Policy 2020 places young people at the center of its recommendations; we seek to mobilize the power of young people to raise awareness, That is the public for the importance of young people, centers of excellence have been established to create sports interventions throughout the world Countries, measures are being taken to increase employability and to ensure access to credit for all in order to provide more power to young people, a work in place of an ecosystem, Based on the idea that things should be done by young people and young people, financial assistance is provided, despite the many challenges Time to record many successes and consider the future, we hope that the speakers say: < < how can we draw more attention to the human rights of young > >? Thank you. And your statement I give the floor to the World Health Organization, diaca, les Mr. Chair, Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, I would first like to thank the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights for organizing this seminar and I thank the speakers who contributed to this debate Violence on the challenges and discrimination faced by young people today, there are more young people and older people around the world than ever, But our ability to take advantage of these opportunities requires the elimination of an important barrier to age-based discrimination. This discrimination includes our, how to think, to be able to take action, taking into account the age, as shown in the first UN World Report on this subject, the old people, from the ventel to half, The world population makes discrimination against older people in europe, the only region for which there are data for all age groups, young people report more discrimination among other groups; This discrimination limits our potential And it is present in all institutions, including work in health systems, political systems and hinder our ability to access and be heard Age discrimination is harmful to our health, our well-being, when we are older, it is also very cost for our societies all of the barriers, because this limits the funds We know that they can be asked, the solutions put forward, and we know that today, thanks to the World Age Report on Age Discrimination, we can face this discrimination in politics and law through education and interventions. We invite you to join the global campaign against age discrimination, which must enable us to create a world for all ages, thank you for your attention. Thank you, I now give the floor to delegates for the youth and the UN of the Czech Republic. I have a point that took place outside the team, I am very honored to take the floor today, on behalf of the young people of Chad, I would like to highlight two appointments. And we meet during the period of the pandemic, with my colleagues we have spent this year, in isolation in our chambers of children separated from our friends and colleagues and tasks, I have a school environment, we understand the reasons and in many places, the universities have been the first to say, policymakers often forget the need for students to have a space To study, which is often not possible in fact in many families, I am looking for the reason that led to the closure of universities, but mental health. We have been suffering for one year, maybe protected to some extent against infection, but this in a revised survey in January 67 per cent of young people thinks The pandemic will have a long-term negative effect on their mental health, how to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, while there is a whole generation of young people who are struggling to live before the right to education and health? Not only a luxury, This should be a priority, and I would like to emphasize two things that governments need to cooperate with experts, students, first and foremost a good information campaign On the question of the opening of universities to give us hope, second, mental health assistance that is easily accessible in all universities, so we can Unknown-for A better future, thank you very much, I give the floor to the representative already of the Bahamas. I am honored to participate in this This debate, as the representative of young people, Bahamas, youth groups many challenges for the realization of their rights, the Bahamas, The disparity between men and women in the granting of their complex nationality when a woman in the Bahamas is a foreign man cannot transmit Nationality to these children, the Government has tried to take action against this problem and seeks to raise awareness of the problem with a view to amending the law. The approach we can also report on the de-linking of fathers in family structure and peers are often absent and this represents one The great challenges because boys and young men are deprived of a model and young girls are deprived of their father's death; unfortunately, most of the fathers are absent Does not contribute financially to the needs of their children, leading to a number of social problems, including legal activities, physical and mental harm and depression. In the absence of interventions, these problems are passed on to the generation Which vantamount the continuous cycle: this, the second of the churches in the family structure, is it the press of obstacles in the way of young people who cannot realize their potential? We propose the national initiative To put young people in touch with a problem that will help them make better choices to overcome their loved ones and break the vicious circle of lack of loss. Thank you for having allowed me to intervene, I thank you, I give the floor to the Delegation of Bulgaria. Mr. Chair, Madam Commissioner, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues, Representatives represent the situations of young people as part of my role at the institution of the Ombudsman in Bulgaria, I will raise several questions first Transition of Youth from School to Work in Bulgaria, it is not easy for the head of access to the labour market, but this is particularly difficult for some groups, such as migrants, language barriers, requirements of qualification, qualification requirements. In general, employers, impose demanding expert criteria, that knowledge and young people often do not have the necessary experience for these positions in part In the areas of study that require many years to prepare, these criteria have a negative impact on certain groups, Roma, including educational levels, Less well paid jobs; the second issue relates to the situation of young people who have lived More in small family households up to eighteen years of age, and find it difficult to transition to employment without preparation and social stigma that affect their very existence in terms of their Ability to realize their potential, a third issue relates to access to justice, defrost offenders in Bulgaria, which is also referred to finally in conflict with the Law, without penalized voting, for acts Fairness that does not engage adults' criminal responsibility, eg, Bangladesh, school dropout, mango, etc. of outdated laws, but still in force, the delay in reforms and the lack of coordination of the exercise These topics are particular problems, and above all, I would like to highlight the issue of the protection of the rights of young persons with disabilities, access to re-education or therapy, More difficult to measure these people are more dependent on their parents or guardians; violence against them is frequent and face multiple discrimination - As a result of their age and disability, and I think that governments should place young people at the heart of their plan and initiative without political will, one cannot change things And discrimination against young people, to be eliminated only in order to ensure their participation in policy development, thank you. I now give the floor to the International Bureau of Africa. Denny Alvett, Naim Spekob, Napanzaj and Amingash Mount of the John Reichmicrot and Yerdaksworth. As part of the review, almost 25 years of the Beijing Declaration, I am struck by many progress and discrimination affecting young people, particularly in view of their Beijing kind, To launch an appeal for the rights of women and this appeal remains relevant today, the rights of the tranches are now proclaimed as human rights, the victims. The situation of migrants and persons with disabilities without having to face multiple discrimination, such persons must have control and the right to decide on their sexuality, including their In relation to reproduction without discrimination or violence, Adolescents and young people must have access to health training, in particular with regard to sexuality, progression, keeping the best interests of the child, Such rights and the measures needed to include women, young people and children in all their diversity, including strangers, descendants and disabled persons in many countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Rights Related to Security and Protection for Young People and for All Are Challenged in Law, as legislators are willing to discriminate against transgender persons in order to reduce the development of In practice, in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights A nation against minorities tends to challenge human rights, the majority, the pandemic, and aggravate injustice and inequality, and governments, at the international level, We have to counter the current power structures that hinder the realization of the rights of young people and young people need to be truly engaged in the process, nothing can be done for us without us, and For a young person to be left on board, thank you to the island of rivers, thank you, I give the floor to Tunisia. Thank you, Madam Chair, we would welcome the High Commissioner to the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Young People and thank the conferences for their interventions and welcome the holding of this Intersessional Seminar. And again, as we are proud to have seen in the noyard to the Loyalty Group that presented Resolution 41 convening this session, this also allows us to shed light on the numbers A challenge facing young people in society, Madam Chair, Youth is a huge societal potential for our societies with a potential that will enable us to move ahead, Development and Preservation of an Environment Able to Motivate Hatred, Innovation and Creativity, Youth Cannot Fully performing his/her role and society cannot benefit from the potential of the youth, if appropriate conditions are not ensured that preserve political, social, economic and cult rights On youth, conditions that also guarantee a decent standard of living and life, we are aware, in Tunisia, of the need to invest in youth and to guide this green youth The consolidation of our young democracy, For this reason, we have increased efforts to develop policies, development approaches involving young people, which was indeed enshrined in Article 8 of our conflict. In addition, we have worked to consolidate the national youth strategy, which goes hand in hand with the UNOCI strategy of the same name, we have also launched Programs in accordance with UN Resolution 2250, programs aimed at enhancing the involvement of youth in disseminating the culture of a Human Rights among Young People?? Thank you, Madam, thank you, I give the floor. Madam Chair, Mr. Prime Minister, young people are the future of the country, China on the left of importance to young people and development, we are one of the others The Global Youth Action Program and China formulated a policy for young people, with the gain, the priority area, according to the document, China, an opening process and instead The Government of China and the organizations develop policies to ensure that young people are able to Enjoy development and entrepreneurship, young people are increasingly protected in China, and China has laws and regulations in this direction and has put in place. Legal assistance and social assistance mechanisms for young people, with over 6,000 youth palace and 4000 homes for young people, and I am not a key force For the development of tens of thousands of young people are active in the fight against the pandemic and the protection of the environment and the first plan of society, over 700 million young people, participated The campaign, and the 50 million registered volunteers that contribute to the eradication of poverty, youth, young people are a group that is evolving in autonomy Development depends primarily on their efforts, but they must be supported and supported by governments in their policies must take into account their interests and address the issues that have Development, China is ready to work with all to create an enabling environment to help young people realize their development so that they can truly contribute to a better future and shared support for humanity. Chair, thank you, I now give the floor to the International Alliance for Persons with Disabilities. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, I welcome, on behalf of the International Alliance For persons with disabilities, I would like to present to you the challenges of discrimination against the young polaring of their rights; our alliance is deeply concerned with the advice Economic Consequences, Humanitarian, The Afternoon Pandemic Policy and Social, particularly those that limit their ability to exercise their right to education, employment, health and independent life. Our alliance is concerned that the pandemic has aggravated the multiple discrimination barriers faced by young people with disabilities, particularly in the countries of the south, where Given the weakness of social infrastructure, States had removed some services that were initially offered to young people with disabilities, success The adoption of the rights of these persons are threatened by barriers to attitude, accessibility, communication or institution since the beginning of the pandemic, some States have had To adopt regulations for the territory of the pandemic; providing additional powers to the authorities to arrest persons suspected of committing an infection, It is clear that it is easier to arrest people for mental health reasons and potentially violate their fundamental rights in most societies, their disability is considered tragic to people Female, a condition that must be prevented or curtailed as a result of bad behavior by young people, such stigma is And, judging by self-esteem among young people, persons with disabilities, reinforces discrimination and the margin of nations and impedes the realization of their The right, our Alliance emphasizes the importance of a cross-cutting approach to the enforcement of human rights in order to counter any form of discrimination and barriers that young people with disabilities contain There is no need to meet a cross-cutting approach, and points out that people with disabilities also have an identity, so that they can be even more marginalized, indigenous youth, for example, who are in a situation People with disabilities often face additional discrimination because of their age, genetics to ensure their inclusion in society, all stakeholders need to be involved It is interested in cross-sectoral barriers that these persons face in recognizing the way in which their identity is recognized A flow of the various obstacles to a cross-cutting approach to integration requires working across groups and developing the capacity of managers With a view to enabling them to participate actively in all activities designed to realize their rights, our Alliance wishes to work with you all to ensure the realization of the rights of young people I give the floor to the United States of America. Madam Chair, Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for this intervention, with young people around the world who are facing later when With respect to their minimum age of education, housing, health, employment and policy, and all that is exacerbated by the pandemic; Young people are often at the forefront of sapers SUPPORT FOR CHANGE, but the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of movement, meeting, association, young people are restricted anywhere in the world, young LGBT young people, more and young people with disabilities But young women, indigenous youth and young migrants are particularly vulnerable, despite all this, often young people who are the first to recognize the problems to be heard and seek action, young people Simule to a collective action in the face of climate change and environmental justice; it is young people who remind us that girls of black people are important and that we need us I would like to take action to combat racism, young people call for an end to gender-based harassment and young people are close to the goal The Goal of Equality for Transgender Persons, we must therefore use this appeal and make every effort to ensure that the views of young people are taken into account in our policies and that there is a genuine involvement in efforts to address These global challenges, There is a need for an enabling environment for defenders and young people, and to strengthen the United Nations mechanisms by expanding the participation of young people in hearing young people in the face of global challenges such as racism, climate change Climate change, equality is between my women, the pandemic and the realization of democracy, young people are our future and our future requires that it be taken into account, as soon as they have a power of attorney. If I speak to the representative of the youth, the United Nations, Germany. Madam Chair, ladies and gentlemen, we are representatives of Germany for the United Nations, since March 2020, our lives are not only virtual. We do not see our similar externalities, we do not see in the street, we do not go to the loss school, more than ever, the realization of the rights of young people requires access To the digital world, public and civil participation becomes a privilege, it is a privilege for us to take the floor here, but our socio-economic and biographical context still determines who may or may not participate in the public expert under Young people, Disability Situation, and many young people are victims of discrimination due to external circumstances, for example, where education is not a priority for families, in precarious or conflict situations, I would like to give the floor to my colleague, especially marginalized young people, who are often actively forgotten and even ex - More when young people are excluded from the digital world today, they do not have the opportunity to realize their fundamental rights, so we need to promote access to the world of merit for young people. With regard to the digitization of human rights, it is important to get involved in the debate, as is the case today, the pandemic has exacerbated the current exclusion, highlighting Cape Town The urgent need to integrate young people and their right to participation in the digital world, The digital divide is nothing less, nothing less than discrimination against young people who do not accept the realization of the signed human rights. And ultimately the need to bridge the digital divide.. Thank you, I now give the floor to the UN Women. Madam Chair, as women welcome the opportunity to participate in the Seminar on Youth and Human Rights. Young people are among the most affected by the socio-economic effects of COVID -19, young women, young women, the most vulnerable, sexual violence, trafficking, forced naming, forced labour and social exclusion, and Efforts to stop the spread of the virus requires genuine participation by young people, young people everywhere in the world and join global action against COVID -19 in various sectors and disciplines, Young people, public awareness campaigns for the washing of hands, support campaigns for vulnerable and completed persons contribute to the work of health agencies and other professionals and contribute to the work of health agencies and other professionals Their expertise and innovative solutions last month and a woman launched a World Forum on Equality in Mexico with the Participation of the Government of Civil Society, Young People and Officials who, The call for commitment to realize the rights of women, the Forum will continue in June with six thematic coalitions to promote action and change for equal opportunities for women and young people. And at the global level, If we want to rebuild, the leaders must be heard, young people call for social justice and want to invigorate a global feminism movement, women are likely to be even more left behind Honours, we all need to develop our efforts for equality; thank you. Madam Chair, Dear colleagues, I said, on behalf of the Spanish Youth Council, we have difficulties in saying, that is why we should not be particularly protected and we do. Space for Global Challenges in Our action, in Spain and the main cause of employment, we are championships, European champions, unemployment, concretely, we have a problem of emancipation, It is not only the lack of employment, that is, we have been very precarious in Spain and these precarious conditions, it is the Brisome Chamber of our Organization In this regard, we are going to subscribe to the network not, the inadequate salaries of non-paid internships, we are surprised at the job positions we offer We have very short-term contracts on a part-time basis, it is a good problem for human rights, without employment, no autonomy, no access to housing, no social participation, how to access our rights to how to participate And society, if it has maintained time and resources, how to participate in public spaces in decision-making bodies, how to start a family? It is why we are I must treat it in the European demography, and then problems that seem to be new, but all of which have always been, the psychological problems, the pandemic In the light of the problems that already existed, it is necessary to change the perspective when talking about the protection of young people and their rights, especially at a time when the crisis we face a very serious crisis, That did not disproportionately impact young people on all young women and migrants, The problems we are facing are expected, and therefore the current human rights framework is not enough, something else. What we recommend to create a Convention on the Rights of Young People with a Specific Procedure for the Rights of Young People, because the rights of young people are also human rights? Thank you. He is a delegate from Namibia To the United Nations. At the end of the day, thank you for giving me the floor, young people would be at a width Segment of the population in my country is why investing in young people is essential for development, and it is essential for young people to be able to realize their rights. But young people face many obstacles and many discrimination in the exercise of their rights in 2020, the unemployment rate is 41 per cent, Without comparison to 39 in 2021, thus an explosion of unemployment due to the pandemic, the economic crisis, access to health, Public expenditure, in health, is not perceived as an investment, so young people find many barriers to access to the health service, either because they do not exist As they manage and the rest, hospitals are not the land of needs, then housing, accommodation and dreaming of everyone, or That is, young people, but this has just been ça, rev, the marketing of housing as a fact that Namibia is 18 to 35 years old, our people Namibia is the second country where the housing crisis is the most serious after the figures, the marriage of children, according to the children's marriage report, In 2020, the Ministry of Gender Equality, the Fight Against Poverty, the Prevalence of Child Marriage in Imbibi by 10.4% Before young people, only 4.5 per cent as long as there is discrimination against girls, poverty, cultural norms. Teenage pregnancy and lack of education are the problems, obstacles to the realization of our rights, we therefore propose to the Member States to use the SDGs As an itinerary and human rights instruments for: To come up with quality education, which is used to equip young people with relevant skills and to better protect their rights. Thank You, the Agency for the Youth of the auspice Madam Chair, dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, I have the honor to address For you, the protection of the rights of young people is one of the most important tasks for the international community and its Delegation of all States, Young people face many challenges that are always more serious than ever before, and at the 46th session of the Human Rights Council, representative of the Republic Time to say that the protection of the rights of young people, which is the subject of the population of the existing one, is one of our priorities, we emphasize the following measures. First, the development of conventions, under the aegis of the UN and a group of friends, created a legal framework, I changed the application of the renowned policies in the growing conditions of development of globalization, development and information technology, such a convention could create a common space To reflect on how to empower young people to flourish and to have social development guarantees, this would unlock our capacities In the interest of the whole society of a conference on the rights of young people, under the aegis of the United Nations, would it be?????, The question of creating and disaster The Youth Rights Summit is also on the carpets since, as the empowerment of young people could lead to a positive social change for more inclusive societies, young people have a lot of contributions. And to find solutions to the many challenges we face, so I would like to thank the organizers of this event, to have put the question of dignitaries and their rights on the table, thank you. Vice-Chair: Thank you very much, a father of the souls, the floor. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to speak on the issue of access to justice for young adults: justice Last year should extend to the age of 21, Even 25, the transition from childhood to adulthood and gradually no child becomes a newspaper, an adult, responsible, party, In the case of juvenile justice, it is 18 years old, young people become adults and their treaty. Without any educational program or other means of transition, this prevents us from doing so. The transition of young people and their inclusion and inclusion, it is necessary to think about maturity, how to get, at maturity, full maturity, that is, one at the age of 25, See beyond, depending on the pace of maturation of each, the same applies to the injustice of countries such as Germany and the other. Indeed, the Netherlands has a specific approach for young adiers for judicial purposes, regional and international standards, such as Beijing Standards or negotiated recommendations from Europe, re @ @ In the same way that juvenile offenders are treated in the same way as juvenile delinquents we would like to reflect on this issue on Therefore, during the World Conference on Juvenile Justice, we invite the Human Rights Council to organize a dedicated session on fair access to justice for young people. If the delegate of the youth, this is The United Nations, Luxembourg has the floor. AND MY SUBJECT. If???? The United Nations, Luxembourg and the United States of America, and Mr. Chair, < < but he did not want to remove your virtual hand, the same view you are on the list. To guy of fleuron, first. I give the floor to the representative of Nepal, but is registered, of course we thank the authors. For their interventions, young people can be the driving force of social change, it is necessary to empower them, the population of young people in more than 40 per cent between the age of 40 and forty years, we have A legal framework to enable them to participate fully, the ten-year plan has been formulated in an effort to enable them to realize their right to construction The ambition prohibits discrimination on grounds of sex, age of 15 religions, cited, or any other reason, the participation of young people, to enable minorities The SDGs, and any other minorities, to participate and the rest of their participation in increasing with more inclusive policies, the latest elections have enabled young people to be represented at 37 per cent It is at the local level that we have programs, such as the employment program of the Prime Minister and our program, encouraging entrepreneurship and employment among young people. Resources and education and vocational training remain a problem, there are also problems for migrants and access to physical and psychological health. So many young people abroad, it is necessary to guarantee their right to their safety and dignity, especially at the workplace, with regard to a problem, especially in the context of the current pandemic, despite these difficulties, we reaffirm our commitment For the law of youth rights in our country, while emphasizing the need for international cooperation in the promotion and protection of the rights of young people. , Madam Chair, Sir Excellencies, colleagues, arbitrariness, consistency of justice, are often The characteristic of the policy, but it remains here and characterizes the situation around the world, voting on your presentation, independent access, health, financial services and function My point of marriage will have at work access to justice for minors, as we know, by making reports, we are talking about, in some cases, Form such as it, but one does not do a search, a mapping of the problem, and this is why it is always going to be on the same issues that eloquently the Act: 11 I always find, shocked by the lack of progress, as a relevant goat, the United Nations has embarked on the 2030 Agenda to become a pioneer in creating new realities As far as young people are concerned and when we talk about the right of young people and to hear this appeal, we have developed a methodology for four years, for And young people, this policy for young people, which served as a pyrenborn in two countries, is a starting point on which young people can Urgent losses can be based on creating clues that would enable us to improve the realization of the rights of young people, especially the United Nations, thank you, Ukrainian, yestrogens. Thank you. The Delegation of Ukraine close to the united nations for youth, the floor is machna pot kenano right. Madam Commissioner, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very grateful and honored to be able to send me or to you on behalf of the youth of my country, given the youth of my country, a country with more than one million people Moved mainly to young people and children, I must talk about human rights in the well-occupied territories of Ukraine, the annexation of crimea and aggression against tomorrow, it is an obstacle. Ukraine's development is a very high impact on society as a whole, the needs of young people differ, of course, but they constantly change and all these socio-economic needs can be resolved through reforms and legal document. But the only need that cannot change unilaterally on peace, I am convinced that the force, the largest, which, in order to be regulatory, the depression of crimea and donbass. It is you and I quite our solidarity and propaganda will not be in the sense that we want, I know that many young people now living in the occupied territories have not chosen to live there and are hostages of this conscience, I am aware of the spirit of The ambiance of having been expelled from my city, as to Mali and not to be able to return to me at all, so I call the young who lives in the occupied territories temporarily not to be persuaded by For this statement, Where you have not forgotten, you have not abandoned the calls for hatred, but this does not always mean "media", filter down what you say Evening, you can count on our solidarity and aggression, without any chance, thank you, the delegate for the youth of the stage. Madam Chair, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you and paralyses the speakers. Then, for their views on the issue of young people and their rights, changing situations, I would like to talk about the participation of young people and citizenship, which I am pleased that the issue has been addressed today, it is not new that young people are often the victims of discrimination, access to the realization of human rights, especially women and girls, due to stereotypes that limit In respect of: as the High Commissioner's Report comes from a starting point to overcome its challenges on education and citizenship, which is well underway in most countries around the world. It is important that the Fourth End of the Programs, human rights applications, focus on young people, with special focus on education and information, human rights, discrimination, inclusion and respect for diversity. Venezuela, my colleagues and I will prepare for a fourth session of the course on active solidarity with a focus on the individual, community and states The international context, young people cannot demand their rights and if they do not know, If they do not know, how they can think of how to think, if they do not know that their views are to be contravening, do not And the Council of the European Union and we will also welcome our faned Presidencies and it is for us to welcome the session, We just want to address the issue of the rights of young people, not just in Slovenia, but As part of the SDGs, there are a number of conditions that have been highlighted for access to education for human rights, we call on the speakers today How do you see the potential of education, how to ensure that young people can participate effectively to form our future? Thank You for giving the floor to delegates for youth. In the case of Luxembourg of the united nations, m???????, Mr. Chair of the Committee, I had organized this The event is to have included young people in this important conversation that emphasizes the participation of young people, it is not new to say that young people need to avoid their rights constantly and there is still a lot of difficulties and discourse to see that many games have to be Ever requested to have access to the most basic rights of education, health, the right to housing, including in the European Union, and the pandemic has not improved, as a university student, Therefore, I see these problems among peers on a day-to-day basis, whether it is the problem of access to digital technologies, targeting classes, prejudice, We are looking for work because we do not have experience because our young people, To take part in decision-making, racist crimes against minorities are exposed during the afternoon and unemployment, It is a record rate, we have to be able to access our rights, regardless of our origin or treaties, without nationality. We must be able to express our views in order to find innovative solutions; we need a framework of the guidelines so that young people can be true partners. For example, it might be more fortunate for young people to have practical sessions for more internships, regardless of experience and Schools, States must have psychological health experts, universities and youth centers, and young people need to be more listened to so that they can better understand and be able to Madam Chair, Mr. Last Speaker, the last speaker we could hear, I would like to give the floor to the main speakers in order for them to deliver their conclusions and I would like to begin with Hills I give five minutes, even if he could not speak at the time of his intervention, which is the National Director for the Network From the institutions, you have five minutes of search. Lead and Jerra, which waited for your main gueste? You have the floor. , I could try to tell you. Again, I believe there is an apparent parliament, but there are problems with < < guif > >. Thus, I give the floor to your speaker, I give two minutes each and we start with, if you have the floor. What is it Economic Sector, the apartment and a problem with the Secretariat for their technology, gives the floor to Ambassador Ndaygins of the ILO, to Make a living, his remarks and conclusions, you should have two minutes. The Chair, Madam Chair, Madam Chair, was very interesting, many of the problems were raised, and I would like to recall that young people were parties Most recently affected by the current pandemic, not just in terms of employment, but also in education training. Social and political participation, and I look at, in the Olympia For PNRIP, But not that the meetings may not be in the same way as to create inequality And between young people, older persons, but also there are inequalities between different groups of people that I remain important to recall, in addition to the lack of access to employment, 20 votes, with the result that in the long-term, young people will only rarely have direct employment in the world of employment, and they tend to For example, we need a transition period and I would like to remind you that young people, The future, therefore, has consequences for society as a whole, COVID -19 has shown that we need a Employment, number, but also in quality, of course that training, education is essential, is not enough, it is also necessary to demand, through an offer of employment, The economy offers great job opportunities for young people, but attention needs to be paid to quality And employment, and we must avoid that new markets for the use of information logic, including, We also create new inequalities, thank you. > &Gt. > >???????? IMERNABES, thank you very much, thank you very much, And also to other speakers for having insisted on the horizontal issues that arose, it was very interesting and very rich in training some additional words on security In abortion is a key sport for sexual health rights, women do not really have at our time in one third of the world's countries, either abortion is totally prohibited or, It is permitted that in order to prove the life of the sea, it is 4 million teenagers every year and die every year in pardon, and that is here Third cause of death, seventy per cent of unsafe abortions are carried out on young people under 20 years of age. We want to work with the UN with decision-makers in states to improve the health and well-being of young people, as stated by other authors, as we have said in the same timid also, The participation of young people is essential to change and we hope to be able to contribute to it. > &Gt. Thank you, I would like to try to reopen the floor to guy tsdora, which is once again, You have the floor. I should like to tells me, at the very theil. And there, without any technical problems, and other speakers, who cannot deliver their conclusions in any case, I thank you all for doing so at the end of this panel discussion I would like to thank all speakers and other participants who have contributed to this debate, excellence representing young, ladies and gentlemen, we will continue this discussion of experts at 3 pm, Sir. Please join with the same link for the afternoon session. Administration and the International Labour Conference)) [[Powered by WIPO Speech-to-Text]]